we are kicking off a new feature on overwaterbungalows.net – the overwaterbungalow of the week. With around 110 water bungalow and water villa resorts around the world it seems like a good idea to highlight one of them each week because no one can keep track of them all.
Some of us can only daydream about staying in one of these incredible rooms because they do cost a lot, so this is a way to live vicariously and think about when we'll be staying in these places ourselves.
Im looking for an over water bungalow for 12 people (include 3 children). This is a family travelling for a milestone birthday in May 2020. Looking to stay for 6-10 days.
Unfortunately, there are no overwater bungalows that allow more than 6 people, and even those are extremely expensive. Most normal overwater bungalows allow 3 guests per room and a few of them allow 4 guests per room. So your cheapest option would be to find one of the places that allows 4 guests per room and book 3 separate bungalows. Sorry it’s not better news. -Roger