Because of the location, guests will find that both daytime and evening temperatures in Bora Bora, as well as throughout the rest of French Polynesia, tend to be generally stable when looking month to month. Also, it's important to note that because Bora Bora is even closer to the equator compared to nearby islands, it tends to be more consistent than Tahiti and Moorea, which are both about 140 miles (230 kilometers) to the southwest.
Most visitors would describe the climate to be nearly perfect in Bora Bora, at least for a week or two at a time. In Bora Bora, you'll find that every single day is warm and a bit humid while every night is almost as warm as is it during the daytime, yet notably less humid. Because the nights are a bit less humid, visitors, thankfully, get a chance to cool off.
For helpful climate information see the monthly temperature chart, found below.
Looking for one in Zanzibar for two? Any recommendations? Or Capetown?
Sorry, but I’m not aware of any overwater resorts in Zanzibar or South Africa. Hopefully they will be planned in the coming years. -Roger
There are 4 of us that would like to depart Seattle and get to Sunshine in January. We were thinking Bora Bora but are wide open. I was wondering if there are any water bungalows that accommodate 4 people but are still affordable?
Most of the Bora Bora resort hotels allow 3 guests per room, but I’ve only heard about a couple that allow 4, and those are the super expensive ones that go for close to US$2,000 per night.
The option that might work are the so-called Brando overwater bungalows, which are privately run and not part of a resort. A couple of them have two bedrooms and they are actually more reasonably priced. Good luck! -Roger
Hi, there is 5 of us wanting to stay closest to Jacksonville Florida (Mom not doing well). That has the bungalows over the water, but HAS to be clear water? Can you help me? I am a disabled vet, and they wanted to do this for me. Thank you, Lisa🌞
The closest real overwater bungalows to Florida are in Jamaica at two different Sandals resorts, but the water isn’t turquoise like it is in Bora Bora and the Maldives. Unfortunately Florida is pretty much half a world away from the ones with clear water. The closest are probably in Tahiti, but if you go there you might as well go to Moorea, which is right next door. -Roger